The Lawton Chiles Foundation exists to highlight and replicate the vision of Lawton and Rhea Chiles concerning the best future for Florida’s children. The Foundation embraces their convictions that providing the proper nurturing, enrichment opportunities, equitable treatment and exposure to growth are the minimum we must do for our children. The Foundation pursues and supports innovative programming in the pursuit of its mission.
Community Ownership and Participation in Early Childhood Success
Children are Healthy at Age 1
Children are Making Appropriate Progress
Children Enter Kindergarten Ready to Succeed
Get Involved
Your generous donation to the Lawton Chiles Foundation goes to support Early Childhood research and programming.

Whole Child is not another program, but a philosophy that uses strategic planning, web-based technology, performance measurement and broad-based community engagement to build communities where everyone works together to make sure children thrive. The Whole Child philosophy is grounded in the notion that communities must address all six dimensions of children’s well being to raise healthy children.