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Investing In Children & Families: Short Term Payoffs

When discussing investing in children between the ages of 0-5 years of age, the conversation is typically focused on benefits that culminate 20+ years into the future. The impact to a child’s likelihood to graduate from high school, future job perspectives, and earning potential as a result of early childhood programs, such as Whole Child, would appear to occur later in life. While it is encouraging to know that these programs have long-term benefits for the child and the community, the more immediate impact on children and their families should also be considered when investing in these programs.

A study conducted at Rutgers-State University of New Jersey, suggests that early childhood programs can help reduce the need for grade repetition and special education placement, as well as increased kindergarten readiness. For even younger children, studies have shown that these programs can lead to reduced ER visits, reduced childhood abuse and neglect, healthier births, and improved health of the child.

Parents play a tremendous role in the success of early childhood programs, and many will be excited to learn that they will also see immediate benefits as a result of their participation in these programs. Mothers who attend early childhood programs report an increase in employment and a reduced need for welfare. Furthermore, these parents miss work less often, which is also a benefit to their employers. This is why Whole Child recognizes and supports parents at every stage of a child's life by connecting parents to local providers. Learn about the Whole Child 6 Dimensions to well-being and discover local programs and resources to help your child succeed.

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